Specialist Practice Dr. Steier

Nettgynekolog is a gyneclogical clinic located central in Bergen using the name Spesialistpraksis Dr Steier
In additon we have a web based service: nettgynekolog.com.

We perform gynecological examinations, including smear tests and vaginal ultrasound.

We also work with infertility, hormones, anticonception, ultrasound of the breasts, early pregnancy ultrasound and examinations for osteoporosis.


Appointments can be done by:

Telephone: +47 – 55 32 43 05
Mail: spesialistpraksis@steier.no
Adresse: Kalfarveien 22,  5018 Bergen, Norway

The clinic is open Tuesday—Thursday 1400–1900, but other days also possible
It is not necessary to be referred from other doctors